Sunday, 3 April 2016

Day 11 - Me against the word, so what ? - Eminem [Last night Report]

So, bloody cheesecake stacked in front of my face, at the boxing diner show last night, and this music going through my head...

"Hello cheesecake, my old friend
I've come to talk with you again"

I guess, if I was was a Super Hero - Cheesecake would be my biggest weakness:

Superman - Kryptonite
Dare Devil - Noise Pollution
The Human Torch  - Asbestos ? hell what ? ASBESTOS !!! LOL
The Flash - Running to fast :)
Chubby Peter - Cheesecake.

Luckily, I have been saved by my superhero friend, who took the affect of the cheesecake upon him self, saving my diet from from 625 calories disaster !(by the way the biggest weakness of my super hero friend is lack of cheesecake)

Chubby Peters superhero friend - Lack of cheesecake !

After the dinner, life yesterday has put me twice in the difficult situation. First was the alcohol in the pub, but I did not break, I have enjoyed my water, and the second, when after the pub my whole family went for kebebs and chips, but I did not break me either. I was watching them eating all those calories, while I was stuffing the last cottage cheese from my Fridge.

When party have finished, I gave a lift home to my friends! THEY STILL OWE ME 5 POUNDS FOR THE LIFT! IF THEY READ THIS BLOG THAT IS THE REMINDER. 

Yesterday ended with the results :

Cheesecake 0 - 1 Chubby Peter
Alcohol     0- 1 Chubby Peter
Kebabs     0- 1 Chubby Peter

By unanimous decision - Chubby Peter is the winner!

Today was my rest day, as yesterday was full of entertainment and exhausting challenges (food). Mayland ABC has put a great show and their boxers performed really well! Very impressed and I feel very motivated! Well done to all boxers and their coaches!

This is their FB - give them a Like! My Girlfriend is carded boxer and she won her bout yesterday on their show! All thanks to the great coaches and support from club mates!

Therefore, today I did nothing, apart from writing this blog. Also other activities included: eating, reading and resting.

Below is my nutrition table:

Still Chunky Piotr :)

1 comment:

  1. Instead of £5, we will give you a better payment.. the blessing of our company ;)
