Thursday, 31 March 2016

There is always a Plan B

Hey all,

I felt today like, my mission is completed! All thanks to the 1st week result!  But wait a minute! Shouldn't this journey last min 3 months? Yeah, my journey just started!
It is so easy to lose yourself in such a small victory! I know, my biggest enemy is me.
I need to see the future and reach for it! Its not here yet! Its there, I just need keep going! Small steps at the time... but keep going. Don't stop!

So here I am, writing this post. Day 8! Lost my motivation this morning, well, I need to admit that ( and its not an excuse!), during my 3km run yesterday I have stepped at the edge of the kerb and twisted my ankle. The pain, oh ... the pain! I thought I broke my foot! But no, I have strained my ankle. Luckily! (well my mind was like ' oh yes, yes YES -rest time!). So, my plan for this week suddenly collapsed. I thought it collapsed, but there must be a Plan B. And I found it, and it was not that difficult.

Plan A - boxing - forget about it, I can't walk properly!

Plan B - Gym and weight lifting!

Now, that I did it, I feel good. I feel like I am winning! Back in the game :)

Anyway, below my diet table. If you have realised, I do not list the amount of  the fluids I drink. I will dedicate one post this week about hydration and how important it is (not only when you try to lose some weight, but overall)! When I say fluids I mean WATER. And lots of it ;)

I don't have any pictures to add - it's one of this days. Sorry.

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Day 7 - week summary

So at the beginning of the last week, I was 100.1 KG. This morning, I was 95 KG which is 5 kg difference then last week. This means that I moved from being OBESE to being OVERWEIGHT :)

Great, now it is time to slow down with slimming -  as slimming at this rate is not healthy!!

The plan is, as from tomorrow to re-join boxing club and ironworks gym. I will exercise at least 4 days a week, twice in the Mayland Amateur Boxing club and twice in the ironworks gym (doing weight lifting).

My goal is to spend at least 4 hours in the gym a week ,train as hard as I can to lose this fat!!

My diet will  be much much more balanced. I do not want to lose more that a 1 kg per week!

Below Pictures from day 1 (on the left and day 7 on the right ). Can you see the difference? Well, I can feel it!

I had a cheat meal today which was chicken shish kebab (medium). Still I stayed close within the recommended calories, protein, carbs and fat allowance.

Nutrition table below :

Week summary table:

Cant wait for the first boxing session, that will take place tomorrow!

Really happy, not that heavy - Piotr!

Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Day 6 – “If you are going through hell keep going

I woke up at 6.50am this morning ( I checked my weight, result below),

then, I quickly put my tracksuit and trainers on, and set my mind for the jog, I planned this yesterday (my first 5 kilometres). Actually, I was really surprised that I did not have,that thought of staying at home, my mind was very quiet and I did not hear him saying "you will be better off to have some bacon, scrambled eggs on toast and butter" I was really looking forward to the run and result just below, not very fast but another small victory. Every single step counts!

After I finished jogging, I made the breakfast. (biggest nightmare of my childhood) porridge:/ I have added some pumpkin seeds, walnuts and rhubarb. Well, it is no longer my nightmare after 5 kilometres run, the porridge tasted like some kind of posh chocolate cake.

Then, it was time to go to work, First T-break I ate banana. (banana banana banana every day banana tomorrow I will have an orange – fuck you banana).

Lunch, it was standard thing - cup of coffee and food doctor bagel with ham. But than, at 3 o'clock the hunger got me, I grabbed protein shake 40 gram of protein with 10 grams of carbs  - hunger suppressed.
After coming back home from work, I had a coffee and started reading about Winston Churchill and it happened,I read his quote:

Then I have put my trainers on, opened the doors and noticed it was raining. Why does it always rain in this country ?Was Winston Churchill talking about the weather? It was time to adjust the quote “If you are running when it is raining, keep running” so I have run, and I have managed to do 3 kilometres (extremely happy).

As usual nutrition table below:

Tomorrow is day seven of my weight loss program I will post weeks’ summary and some pictures to compare from the day one.

Yours Happy , big and heavy Piotr !

Monday, 28 March 2016

Day 5 – Time to Rest 97.1 KG

Finally, rest day - time to relax J no excercising for me today, but a lot of reggae music. Bob Marley and the Wailers - Confrontation album in particular. (“I know” is my favourite tune from this album, part of the lyric included below)

“Many a time I sit and wonder why
This race so - so very hard to run,
Then I say to my soul: take courage,
Battle to be won,
Like a ship that's tossed and driven,
Battered by the angry sea, yea-eah!
Say the tide of time was raging;
Don't let the fury fall on me, no, no!”

and of course I have read few pages of “The power of Habit” by Charles Duhing, I highly recommend this book to anyone, real eye opener!

But let focus on this blog and what it is really about - Weight Loss. So I weight myself this morning (as every morning) and noticed 400 grams less than yesterday (97.1 KG cool is in it?)

Some people would criticize me and say that losing weight that fast, is not healthy (they are right) but well It is my first week and I want to lose as much as I can, and use the first week effect, as I call it J the plan for next week is a little bit different, I will balance my diet with adjusting levels of consumed protein, carbohydrates and fats to the right levels (more protein intake etc.) and of course I will stay below my Total Daily Energy Expenditure every day (but I will calculate it and lose not more than 1 kg per week -  0.5 to 1KG is my target )

I am currently writing a post which will include information how many protein, carbohydrates and fats you should eat a day, on cutting fat diet. I wanted originally to post it today, but it is a lot to write about and it will take me at least couple of days to finish. It will be posted in near future - stay tuned!

For now, few pictures from today J

Breakfast bagel: Healthy food can look really good and taste well!

Protein shake (you need to be careful when you want to buy one, most of them contain high amount of sugar. This one is ok, as I have checked it):

Smoothie from our Nutri Ninja Blender: (our new addition to the family - well spent money:)

And as usual my today's diet table:

That's all for day 5.

Tomorrow is day six, and I am really looking forward to jogging in the morning. I am hoping that storm Katie won't take me away. (I guess I am to heavy for it :) 
Also, I am very glad that I have survived the Easter long weekend. I am survivor!

Yours Happy , big and heavy Piotr (well 3kg lighter!)

Sunday, 27 March 2016

Day 4 - Easter surprise?

I think I woke up about 8 o'clock today and as usual, I started my day with a glass of warm water with freshly squeezed lemon juice :)  - it is my version of lemonade with the difference, that this drink does not contain 11 grams of sugar per 250 ml !! Then I decided to jump on the weight scale and I saw 97.5 ? hell what ?I have reset the weight scale and what ?  97.5 OK. that was a surprise :)

Proof Below :

Well as I was extremely happy, nearly as happy as Easter Bunny. Therefore it was the right time to treat myself with the nice breakfast ( no I did not have a fry up ) instead munched something healthy.

This picture is real, I did not use photoshop.

After the breakfast, I fell full off energy and went for a jog  (it is a jog not a run as my speed of jogging is like snail sprint in slow motion, but it will improve, trust me)

Well, I thought that I was full of energy, but the first kilometre was a nightmare! I could feel that my legs are tired from yesterdays skipping. On the second kilometre, something tried to tell me to stop (it was my own concious mind by the way, why would it try to do that to me? It knows that I am OBESE  ) but should I give up? DEFINITELY NOT! So I finished the second km and then crawled through the third km. (I burned 280 Calories, I would try next time to double the number!)

As It was Easter, after the shower I went to see my family and enjoyed Polish style Easter lunch -yummy :)
I did not have traditional polish Easter cake - called Babka (to much sugar ) I stayed good for the whole lunch! I have shared my blog with the family, and got encourage to continue. 

And as usual, my today's nutrition table :

Plan for tomorrow is to rest ( maybe I will go for a walk but this does not count as exercising)

If I will find some time, I will write some facts about protein, carbs and fat.

Tomorrow day 5 :) 

Very happy -big and heavy Piotr


Saturday, 26 March 2016

BMI calories counting etc - Day 3 summary

As promised yesterday, below is the simple way to calculate your BMI:

First, divide your weight in kilograms (kg) by your height in metres (m)

For me at the day one it was 100.1 kg / 1.81m = 55.3 approx.

then divide the answer by your height again to get your BMI

55.3 / 1.81 m = 30.5

BMI = 30.5

If your BMI is over 30 you are classified as OBESE, below 30 but more than 25 you are OVERWEIGHT, below 25 but more than 18.5 that is your healthy weight (cool you are the lucky one) if you BMI is below 18.5 - you are  UNDERWEIGHT and you need to start to eat more. ( very lucky you!)

Than If you are OBESE or OVERWEIGHT maybe it is the right time to start your own journey?

If you have got any question or need some help you can send me an email on I will be happy to support you, forward some tips and advices.

Something you need to know to about weight loss …

A lot of people these days want to lose weight but a lot of them, don’t want to count calories as it is very time consuming. Unfortunately, without counting calories you cannot determine, if you consume right amount of calories to lose weight, First thing is to calculate, how many calories your organism needs a day to sustain its weights. It is done by understanding and knowing yours:

·         Lean Body Mass- LBM
·         Basal Metabolic Rate - BMR
·         Total Daily Energy Expenditure – TDEE

In order to calculate your LBM, you will need to know your Body Fat Percentage,
It can be checked by using body caliper or weight scale with body fat checking function (some people dislike this method as it is not very accurate).

I won’t include instruction how to use body caliper on my blog as if you decide to buy one it will come with instructions in the box/packaging. 

A little bit of maths:

Lean Body Mass = (1- Body Fat % expressed as decimal number [My one is 24 % fat that would be 0.24]) * total body weight in pounds.

For Example, calculation of my LBM 1-0.24 = 0.76    0.76 *216.4 lb = 166.4 lb (approx. 75.4 kg lean body mass)

Now when we have got our LBM it is time to calculate Basal Metabolic Rate which is the amount of calories needed for your body to support its vital body function (you can say that that’s the amount of calories you need if you spend whole day in bed)

Formula to calculate BMR is -> BMR = 370+(21.6*LBM)

My BMR equation is 370 + (21.6 * 75.4[Weight in KG]) = 1998.6

And we have got it, my BMR is 1998 calories per day J just to say one big mac meal with coke contains 990 calories: P

And now last but not least, Total Daily Energy Expenditure calculation.
As you now know your BMR, it is very simple to calculate your TDEE by multiplying it by Activity multi players shown in the table below.

Before my 34 birthday it would be:

TDEE = 1998.6 * 1.2 which is 2398 calories a day.

And finally the golden rule of losing weight!! IF YOU WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT YOUR CALORIE INTAKE MUST STAY BELOW YOURS TOTAL DAILY ENERGY EXPENDITURE !! you can exercise like crazy but if you consume to many calories a day you will not lose weight!

Someone would ask then a question “if I will eat Pizza every day but stay below my TDEE will I lose weight” the answer is yes but it would not be very healthy J it is better to focus on something more nutritious, full of vitamins, minerals and healthy fats.

The other question someone would ask is “can I get fat eating healthy food” the answer is yes, if you eat tons of salad every day and you exceed your daily TDEE your organism will store additional energy from your healthy meal’s in your body in a form of fat.

Enough of education for today let focus on my day 3 J

So as I wrote yesterday I will use my new skipping rope today and I did. I skip 10 rounds of 3 minutes each with a 1-minute break in between rounds, so if skipping burns about 10 calories per minute I burned about 300 calories. Than I did 100 push ups which is about 50 calories and then 100 sit ups another 50 calories  J which brought me to total of 400 calories burned. Hell Yeah!

 My today's lunch :) yummy 

My today's Nutrition table below I know I should eat more but I just don't feel hungry   

( Still Big and Heavy) and as always Happy


Friday, 25 March 2016

Time to get back on the road - weight 98.2 kg

Off we go... day 2

It was the time to pull out my push bike from the shed :) few quick fixes and back on the road. I have managed to do 21.30 K in 1 hour, not an amazing speed but it burned approximately 670 calories :) Result!

I have checked my weight this morning and for some reason it was showing 98.2 kg which is 1.9 Kg difference from the previous weight in (it seems to be strange as I did not expected effect this quickly-weird)

For the diet I did not reach my daily 2000 calories(as you can see in the table below)  just did not feel hungry at all- trust me I usually feel hungry all the time and the picture of pizza is floating around my head most of the time - well it used to.

I forgot to mention, that I have started drinking more water as according to the studies, drinking more water, can increase your metabolism by 24-30 % (hope the studies are right ).

Plan for tomorrow is to test my new weighted skipping rope, and than to get ready to re -join Mayland Amateur Boxing club ASAP. Lets turn this mush in to the muscle (thank you Arnold) <- very motivating, worth watching!

 Easter Sunday is approaching fast, luckily in our tradition it means lots of healthy proteins - eggs, eggs and meat! Can't wait but I will still keep it in control! 

Tomorrow post, I will explain how I do my calculation of calories, proteins etc from my food, I will also explain how to calculate your body mass index. 

(Still) big and heavy - and as always happy


Thursday, 24 March 2016

It has begun day 1 ... Weight 100.1

So it has begun, I am 34 and one day old ...

I woke up at 7 o'clock this morning and instead of opening the fridge (as usual) to look for something unhealthy - lets say - to eat like a pig that is looking for truffles,  I put my track suit and trainers on, and went for 3k run which was one of the most unpleasant thing I have ever experienced. My legs did not want to move and my heart reminded me about my weight on every step I made but at the end of the run, when I stopped, I felt that I am alive - again.

After coming back from the run, I drunk big glass of warm water with freshly squeezed lemon juice :) which apparently is one of the greatest detoxing drink :) than I had my breakfast - 2 shredded wheat biscuit with some nuts and milk and one black coffee. Champions breakfast!

On the first T -Break I had a banana, trust me! That banana never tasted so good like this before.

Than during my lunch break  I went on NHS website to calculate my Body Mass Index which result is displayed below on the picture.

That's right according to NHS I am OBESE :/ I do not agree with it, I might be a little bit chunky but not OBESE. Anyway, you can't argue with it I guess. I took it on the board! I will deal with it!

NHS you are not going to stop me from having well deserved lunch (it does not look like Jamie Oliver dish but it was tasty)

At 3 o'Clock I have realised, that I need some protein. I quickly downed a protein shake.(tasted like guess what ? banana! I think at the end of this 3 months weight loss programme I will turn in to a monkey)

My food for today was as follow:

I have burned  280 calories in my morning run and I have consumed 2042.6 calories, which in the theory left me with 1762.6 calories, well below my recommended daily calorie intake.(that means that my organism will have to burn some of this extra body I got )

as promised yesterday - my pictures at 100.1 kg

First day was successful, another 89 days to go! 
(joking, hoping to make it forever lasting - healthy lifestyle - with few cheat meals here and there :)

(still) big and heavy - very happy

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

Hello World,

My name is Piotr. I am 34 today (hey its my birthday today!) and I weight exactly 100.1 kg - which makes me kind of a chubby bloke :) I can't really say that I am extremely obese, but I still don't like the fact that when I walk, I can feel my belly swinging from side to side. Have you ever experienced that feeling?

So I decided to write a blog. My plan is to loose 20 kg in 3 months,  and show to the other people, how easy it can be done by following only few simple diet rules and of course exercising regularly. Thing is, I will be totally avoiding slimming "magic supplements" advertised in health magazines (like fat burners - but lets be honest, protein shakes - are not magic supplements so you'll see them in my diet)  as I believe that they only make your wallet slimmer and nothing else. ( I can't afford it anyway at the moment, as I am in process of buying the house! :)) also and mostly important is that I could not find any scientific researches, proving that slimming diet supplement can or will improve your weight loss, but there are many researches, showing that the most important factor in the weight loss program, is how much calories you consume and burn everyday.

Therefore, I will write down the food diary and I will record my training routine. I will post it on my blog. You might take some inspiration or give me some advice. The most important - I need motivation! Of course I will take some criticism, but only if it will bring some beneficial information in my weight loss programme, otherwise if you do it just to bring me down - F**k yourself! I don't need that kind of s**t :) Deal?

So, Day 1 here come! Don't ask me what I ate today - its my birthday! :)
This diet plan officially starts - when? TOMORROW! (yes, everyone says tomorrow this, tomorrow that - I am one of these people but I will change:)

See you tomorrow!

ps. make sure you will return tomorrow to this blog, I will post some pictures of me :) (scary!)

Yours big and heavy ( also very happy)