Saturday, 26 March 2016

BMI calories counting etc - Day 3 summary

As promised yesterday, below is the simple way to calculate your BMI:

First, divide your weight in kilograms (kg) by your height in metres (m)

For me at the day one it was 100.1 kg / 1.81m = 55.3 approx.

then divide the answer by your height again to get your BMI

55.3 / 1.81 m = 30.5

BMI = 30.5

If your BMI is over 30 you are classified as OBESE, below 30 but more than 25 you are OVERWEIGHT, below 25 but more than 18.5 that is your healthy weight (cool you are the lucky one) if you BMI is below 18.5 - you are  UNDERWEIGHT and you need to start to eat more. ( very lucky you!)

Than If you are OBESE or OVERWEIGHT maybe it is the right time to start your own journey?

If you have got any question or need some help you can send me an email on I will be happy to support you, forward some tips and advices.

Something you need to know to about weight loss …

A lot of people these days want to lose weight but a lot of them, don’t want to count calories as it is very time consuming. Unfortunately, without counting calories you cannot determine, if you consume right amount of calories to lose weight, First thing is to calculate, how many calories your organism needs a day to sustain its weights. It is done by understanding and knowing yours:

·         Lean Body Mass- LBM
·         Basal Metabolic Rate - BMR
·         Total Daily Energy Expenditure – TDEE

In order to calculate your LBM, you will need to know your Body Fat Percentage,
It can be checked by using body caliper or weight scale with body fat checking function (some people dislike this method as it is not very accurate).

I won’t include instruction how to use body caliper on my blog as if you decide to buy one it will come with instructions in the box/packaging. 

A little bit of maths:

Lean Body Mass = (1- Body Fat % expressed as decimal number [My one is 24 % fat that would be 0.24]) * total body weight in pounds.

For Example, calculation of my LBM 1-0.24 = 0.76    0.76 *216.4 lb = 166.4 lb (approx. 75.4 kg lean body mass)

Now when we have got our LBM it is time to calculate Basal Metabolic Rate which is the amount of calories needed for your body to support its vital body function (you can say that that’s the amount of calories you need if you spend whole day in bed)

Formula to calculate BMR is -> BMR = 370+(21.6*LBM)

My BMR equation is 370 + (21.6 * 75.4[Weight in KG]) = 1998.6

And we have got it, my BMR is 1998 calories per day J just to say one big mac meal with coke contains 990 calories: P

And now last but not least, Total Daily Energy Expenditure calculation.
As you now know your BMR, it is very simple to calculate your TDEE by multiplying it by Activity multi players shown in the table below.

Before my 34 birthday it would be:

TDEE = 1998.6 * 1.2 which is 2398 calories a day.

And finally the golden rule of losing weight!! IF YOU WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT YOUR CALORIE INTAKE MUST STAY BELOW YOURS TOTAL DAILY ENERGY EXPENDITURE !! you can exercise like crazy but if you consume to many calories a day you will not lose weight!

Someone would ask then a question “if I will eat Pizza every day but stay below my TDEE will I lose weight” the answer is yes but it would not be very healthy J it is better to focus on something more nutritious, full of vitamins, minerals and healthy fats.

The other question someone would ask is “can I get fat eating healthy food” the answer is yes, if you eat tons of salad every day and you exceed your daily TDEE your organism will store additional energy from your healthy meal’s in your body in a form of fat.

Enough of education for today let focus on my day 3 J

So as I wrote yesterday I will use my new skipping rope today and I did. I skip 10 rounds of 3 minutes each with a 1-minute break in between rounds, so if skipping burns about 10 calories per minute I burned about 300 calories. Than I did 100 push ups which is about 50 calories and then 100 sit ups another 50 calories  J which brought me to total of 400 calories burned. Hell Yeah!

 My today's lunch :) yummy 

My today's Nutrition table below I know I should eat more but I just don't feel hungry   

( Still Big and Heavy) and as always Happy


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